
How to behave at a festival: The Ten Festival Commandments

Carmina Wassink - 27 May 2019
Moses decided to give the Ten Commandments to the people, and therefore we decided to do this our way: we will present the Ten Festival Commandments. Let’s just be honest about the fact that some visitors sometimes fail to blend in properly with the crowd, perhaps some guidance may help them. We are happy to do so for those in need.

Great examples are those freaks who believe that it’s a great idea to keep screaming hee-hoo, to cuddle you and at the same time drowning you in their own sweat or those who simply don’t understand the concept of ‘personal space’. Nothing to be afraid for, but it’s certain that these people should understand that it can be kind of annoying. Just a little bit. Never mind: it’s annoying as hell. Our solution? Our version of the Ten Commandments, brought to you by Hardstyle Report.

1. Don’t try to become ‘Festival’s Next Sweat Model’
You will probably experience this at basically every festival. You’re just enjoying the music in the crowd amidst the hopping people yet at a certain moment the drops of sweat of those people just start flying at you. Not pleasant! Perhaps even worse: you receive a too enthusiastic hug full of sweat. Mmm, we’re loving it. Not really. There are usually particular visitors who apparently enjoy sharing their smell with others. Our advice: use deodorant and don’t overdress yourself with warm clothes. Thanks


2. Being a profiteer is outdated
Even though some festival visitors believe that the festival grounds are the perfect place to keep the money in their wallets we can assure you that’s not entirely how it works. These people all seem to be specialised in spending as little as possible. Come on, be kind and just buy some beers for your friends! One of the best tokens of appreciation towards them if you’d ask us.


3. You shall not, no, never, shout hee-hoo at any time
Imagine this: you’re totally in your element, embracing the feeling of a perfect euphoric melody. You’re totally in the moment, enjoying the music. The enormous grin on your face? That’s the feeling this amazing music gives you, no-one will take that away from you. Wait a minute, what’s that sound? "HEE, HOOOO!" That’s the moment you realise your smile has disappeared. And so has this amazing moment of bliss. It should be said that ‘hee-hooing’ is incredibly annoying. The best place to do this is probably in your own bedroom, or your local supermarket.


4. Don’t release your inner diva
Those who are completely immersed in the music. Those who simply know no shame. Those who get the best out of it. Those are the ways you are supposed to behave and enjoy the moments at a festival: simply enjoying the moment. That’s what everyone wants right? Yet some people, the extra-ordinary ones in particular, have a different a opinion on their ideal festival image. They believe that the festival grounds are the perfect place to display themselves rather than releasing their energy. So what do they do? Well, they point and laugh at others. To all divas: “There is no room for haters in this life we love. It's either fit in or fuck off.”


5. Don’t be Yolanthe from 2011
Gerda Smit (the mother of Jan Smit, one of the most famous Dutch singers) once spoke out these famous words: "Alles is weg (Everything is gone)". These words remind us of one of the darkest moments in the Dutch history. Yolanthe even took away the guest wipes! We don’t to feel what Gerda felt during this occasion and therefore we want to deliver one simple message: don’t touch stuff that does not belong to you.


6. Don’t hustle, remain in your que
We all want to enter the festival grounds as quickly as possible, trying to get our coins as fast as possible and we all want to grab something to drink before anyone else does yet this creates chaos. No surprise. Advice? Just wait for your turn, it’s easy.


7. Be kind to each other
Accidentally punching someone in the face or bumping into someone is just something that can happen to anyone. Been there, done that. It’s not pleasant to experience yet it’s not the end of the world, don’t make a drama out of it. Just say sorry and buy a beer or two. It may even end up in a nice conversation! Every disadvantage has its advantages.


8. Beer is there to drink
Going mental under the sun at your favourite festival, there’s nothing better than that. Yet there’s a lot that’s much worse than that: people who enjoy their time so much that they think it’s a great idea to throw some glasses of beer in the air. Well please, don’t do that, for everyone’s sake.


9. Make proper use of your locker
It’s still a miracle to us that some people do not understand how to use their locker properly. They decide to put all their stuff on the floor or are displaying their backpack the size of a cruise ship which is not only annoying for them most importantly for those trying to reach for their lockers. Don’t do it. And by the way, what is even inside the backpack? Your entire house? Use your locker!


10. Give each other some space
We understand the problem: it’s usually really crowded at a festival, there little to no space for special exuberant dance moves yet we do want to advice everybody to be more mindful of their step. Allow each other some space to move around. Personal space is something which everyone values so take that into account. We will not speak about the awkward sandwich-moments. We believe that everyone should be able to have enough space to hak.

Jeroen van Velzen